If You are New to Open Vpn, Kindly read it up here . For those having issues on getting the usernames and passwords, kindly download t...
Free MTN Browsing Via OpenVPN (No Subscription Required)
No long stories, MTN is at it again, OpenVPN software has now come on board as it has opened up the firewall of Mtn for free browsing. ...
Airtel Nigeria Blackberry Complete and Social- The Differences
Many people dont know the diffrences between BlackBerry Complete Plan, and Blackberry Social Plan. Today, i want to show you the differen...
Airtel Nigeria Blackberry plans,subscription codes and price
In my last post, titled "How To Use Airtel BB Plan on Android Devices", I have received mails asking me to give them the full ...
How To Use Airtel BB Plan on Android Devices
Hi there, After i purchased my TechnoD3 phone, I have moved from one network provider( MTN , glo , Etisalat, an Airtel ) to another, pay...
Send Cheap Bulk SMS in Nigeria -Pyramidsms.com
Are you looking for a website that lets you send bulk sms @ the cheapest rate ever? If the answer is yes, then, http://pyramidsms.com is...
The OFFICIAL version of BBM™ from BlackBerry is now here for Android. Get the free BBM app for the best way to stay connected with friend...