Wondering what that means?
This means you can now chat with contacts on your phone without actually having their BBMpin.
I still dont get it Read on

Using whatsapp as a casestudy:,
You know that with whatsapp you can chat with all contacts saved on your mobile phone, so far they contacts are registered on whatsapp.

This same feature has been added to BBM; such that with my BBM messenger, I can chat with you without sending you BBM request so far I have your contact saved on my phonebook.Awesome right?  Click here if you miss my previous post on 

People who you haven’t accepted their request on BBM, cannot see your BBM profile picture,cannot see your BBM status updates and can neither make nor receive calls with you via BBM voice.With these, you will have acces to BBM contacts(normal BBM contacts) and ‘Contacts’(your phone contacts who use BBM)

This is good development, and personally, I believe it will reduce the time spent trying to access BBM and whatsapp simultaneously, Since I acn now accessand message these contacts on BBM. Let's hear your view about this new feature. Kindly use the comment form below this post.

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Credits to Adeniyi of Techsng and Google (No 1 Search Engine)

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