Before now, taking a peek at someone else’s WhatsApp chat history, without checking their phone physically, was a skill reserved for Jedi Knights. Now just about every earthling can do it, thanks to the  GetWhatsAppMessages website.

How it works is pretty straightforward: you enter the

last 10 digits of your “victim’s” phone number, push the “Get WhatsApp messages!” button and their entire chat history is presented to you.

How it works is pretty straightforward: you enter the last 10 digits of your “victim’s” phone number, push the “Get WhatsApp messages!” button and their entire chat history is presented to you.

We tried it and it actually works. It is unclear if this is an official service from WhatsApp. Considering the privacy concerns, chances are it’s not official. Which could mean it’s bound be taken down as soon as WhatsApp finds out about it.
Before that happens, you might want to try the service now by heading to

Don't forget to share this with your friends too. I am sure you will love it.

Credits to Techpoint

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