The most basic way of using your GPRS enabled phone as a modem is to use the disc that came with your phone. Some phones came with software for loading music and files as well as changing the phone’s settings.All you have to do is to look around on your phone’s software, see if you can find anything about Connections’/ “˜Network’/“˜Modem’/ “˜Communications’. If you do, there should be detailed instructions on how to use your cell phone as a modem.
However, what if your phone didn’t come with a CD, or there was nothing on the CD about turning your cell phone into a modem?,then.

First, connect your GPRS enabled phone to your PC using the USB cable (if one didn’t come with the phone, you can easily buy one from vendors around you). You can also connect it via Bluetooth, however this will cause the final download speeds to be slower. Your computer should recognize that your phone has been connected to it and begin to install the “˜Drivers‘. When this has finished, open the start menu and select “˜Connect To‘. At the bottom of the window which opens opt to “˜Create a new connection‘. Then select “˜Create a Dial-Up Connection‘.

The window shown below will be displayed. For the phone number enter in *99# (this is a kind of universal GPRS number that your carrier will redirect). This will tell your phone to access its GPRS function.

For the username and password you’ll have to look for the one your service provider use. 
For MTN Nigeria, Username=web, Password=web
For Airtel Nigeria, Username=internet, Password=internet...

Once you have done this, finish creating the connection. Then, select the connection from the “˜Connect To‘ menu. When it asks for the username and password, enter in the ones appropriate for your network. This will then connect you to the internet.
Hope this helps?
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